Makeup Training, Make up Forever
Makeup Training: Perfect Skins, with Sara Menitra
Advanced Training in Microneedling, Portuguese Academy of Aesthetics
Advanced Training in Chemical Peels, Portuguese Academy of Aesthetics
Training in Facial Techniques, Portucale
Training in Brushing Techniques and mise en pli, Dourocabe
Training in Hairstyles, Dourocabe
Training in Hairstyles Tonya Stylist
Looking back, the world of cosmetics has always fascinated me since I was very young. The bottles, the scented textures, the whole ritual that self-care entails, have always dazzled me, and still do today.
At the age of nineteen I developed severe acne which implied a new way of my relating to skin care, and which led to a great discipline and rigor that treating this skin problem entails. My skin managed to emerge relatively unscathed from years of aggressive treatments, but I inherited a rosacea that accompanies me to this day.
When we created Pretty Exquisite, I took over the make-up department, but quickly my interest in learning more about skin - which, in my professional philosophy, is the foundation of make-up - led me to enroll in a beauty school. The acquired knowledge allowed me not only to know how to make the best options for myself, but also for my clients in terms of skin analysis, preparation and care.
Currently, as a Professional Makeup Artist, what makes me happy is dedicating myself to bridal and facial makeup services, as well as creating personalized routines, as I know that my work makes a difference in the image and skin health of those who work with us. search!
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